Sunday, August 30, 2009

Announcing Project Penitence

Hey everyone,

I happy to announce our latest endeavor "Penitence". Penitence is a philosophical web drama that explores the meaning of sin and virtue through a father's need for revenge. In our story a father seeks vengeance against the Mob for the death of his daughter. On this road of revenge our hero finds a new perception of sin and virtue within the world. This philosophical drama asks the question, how far can one push against evil before becoming a monster themselves and where will one have to draw the line with forgiveness?

Penitence will be presented in a 13 episode web drama as a live action comic noir.

This is a production starting this fall what should be coming to a web near you this spring, so keep an eye out. You can find lots of information on the project as it goes by following this blog and/or our twitter both will have production updates, photos, interviews, a little behind the scenes if you will. We also our running our project from so personnel and script and other information can be found there.

We're very excited about our up coming project.